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Jewellery Care

Qala Jewelry is designed to be worn daily, but like any fine jewelry, it requires careful maintenance. To keep your pieces looking their best, consider the following tips and tricks:

  1. Spa Day for Jewellery (Professional Cleaning): Your jewellery deserves a spa day too! Take it to a pro for some pampering. Because let's face it, who doesn't love a good polish and gossip session.

  2. Handle with Care (Like your Gucci Bag): Treat your gemstones like delicate flowers. They might not wilt, but they sure can crack under pressure. Avoid Rough Handling

  3. Avoid Contact: Refrain from direct contact with beauty products such as perfume, hairspray, deodorant, and makeup.

  4. No Sweat, No Tears, No Chlorine, No Fears: Your jewellery might seem tough, but it's not a fan of extreme sports. Take it off before diving into the pool or sweating it out at the gym. Nobody wants a necklace doing the backstroke in their armpit.

  5. Gentle Cleaning: Clean your jewelry by wiping it with a soft, moist cloth, ensuring thorough drying afterward.

  6. Separate Storage: Store each piece separately, preferably in our Qala Jewelry boxes in a dry closet to avoid moisture

By following these steps, you can maintain the allure and quality of your Qala Jewelry pieces for years to come.

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